
Welcome to the house concert page where you can find information and images from past house concerts and intimate shows.

The beauty of this type of show is in the details. Not to be confused with a house party, a house concert is an evening where a host can invite friends into their home or private space to share the experience of an intimate performance together.

Without the usual audience/artist barrier in a traditional venue, the musician and audience are able to connect with ease, which in turn creates a deeply enriching experience for all who are in attendance.

“People can be impressed by good sounds, but something far more important happens when a singer combines technique with emotional thruth: Listeners are changed. A free voice opens a direct conduit from the singer’s heart to the people in the audience. This is what singing should always be about.” – W. Stephen Smith, (2007). The Naked Voice.-A Wholistic Approach to Singing: Oxford

Interested in becoming a host?

There is always a tour being planned so if you are interested in hosting a house concert then get in touch:


Curious? What’s involved?

Here is some handy info for hosts: HOST GUIDE (soon)…

Check out performances filmed from past house concerts: